15 May, 2022

Taxes and 'Fair Share'

Interesting nuggets from this article:


According to the Congressional Budget Office, the top 1% of earners paid:

  • 41.7% of income taxes in 2018 
  • 25.9% of federal taxes. 

The top 20% of earners paid:

  • 90.9% of income taxes
  • 69.8% of all federal taxes 

While the “rich” pay over 40% of income taxes, they earn just 21% of all income, according to the Heritage Foundation. The bottom 50 percent pay just 3% of income taxes, while the bottom 75% pay just 13% of income taxes. 

So not only do higher earners pay the vast majority of taxes, they pay a larger proportion of totals taxes than the proportion of total income they earn. Something to keep in mind the next time you hear a politician suggest the rich need to pay their "fair share". Notice that phrase is never defined (in large part because they are already paying more than a fair share). What they really mean is that the rich should pay MORE, but they aren't honest enough to say that.

11 January, 2022

COVID Treatment on the Basis of Race - Horrible

 This is evil.  Allocating any government benefit on the basis of race is morally wrong and all Americans should demand accountability.

Watch this clip from Tucker Carlson on 1/10/22