31 March, 2008

Fiscal Responsibility

Am I the only person that thinks it is a little hypocritical that the Republicans now want to enforce "Fiscal Responsibility"?  I mean, isn't this the same party that allowed the budget deficit and the national debt to explode? (Granted, the Iraq war had a lot to do with that, but still does not account for such a sharp increase - see graph above)  I just find it rather silly that now Democrats are in office and the Republicans have decided it's time
to batten down the hatches.  If only they had done that years ago.  
I hope the next president vetoes every earmark bill that contains the
ridiculous pork that has, sadly, become commonplace.  I do not 
have a problem with the goal - clearly spending needs to be reigned in -
I just think Republicans have lost all credibility on this issue.

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