24 February, 2009

The State of the Union

As I listen to the President's State of the Union, I am struck by the ease with which he communicates his ideas. He effectively speaks to the world as he sees it and the steps that must be taken to meet our nation's challenges. My problem is that I disagree with his remedies, as I believe they often are either a) ineffective or b) create unacceptable unintended consequences.

Those who hold views contrary to the President's must learn how to effectively communicate why their solutions are better or why the path outlined by the president is faulty.

Below are concepts that came up tonight that need rebuttal in a clear, concise way Americans can easily understand:

1) Why outsourcing isn't always bad, and letting low cost producers produce the items they create most efficiently makes everyone better off (i.e. car batteries in Korea)
2) Why the government should not try to centrally plan industries according to a grand strategy disconnected from what consumers want (US Auto Manufacturing)
3) Why the federal government shouldn't be paying for local police officers just to protect jobs
4) Where does the $800 billion for the recent stimulus package come from? Is it fair to call it an $800 billion bill when borrowing costs are likely to add billions more?  Why do we not include these borrowing costs in our calculations and public statements?
5) Explain how the Constitution specifically makes education the purview of the states and not the federal government; also how allowing states to control education creates 50 different petri dishes that allow new ideas to be tested and explored
6) Explain that cutting the deficit in half means you still spent more than you earn - as unacceptable a situation to government as it is for households
7) Why the phrase "ship our jobs overseas" is misguided (see #1)
8) How it is impossible to lower taxes for 95% of Americans when 40% of Americans pay
zero taxes - also, explore the impact of what is essentially a welfare check to these 40%
9)  Explain why true "stimulus" would come from a simple reduction in payroll taxes - allowing consumers to inject $$ in all areas of the economy simultaneously
10)  Why it is now disingenous to suggest you will "end" the war in Iraq when it is already won
11)  Why it is irresponsible to suggest you will close Guantanemo Bay when you do not have a viable alternative
12)  Why it is misleading to say "America does not Torture" when you allow rendition to continue (the practice of allowing other countries with less stringent interrogation restrictions to "question" our captives)
13)  Why Charles Schumer is wrong and the American people care or should care about earmarks and wasteful pork projects
14)  Why any State of the Union must speak about our military engagements in a time of war
15)  Explain how it is mathmatically impossible to bailout the banks, spend $800 billion (plus interest) to stimulate the economy, Nationalized Healthcare, increase education, refinance mortages, lower taxes for 55% of Americans (95-40% in #8), give welfare checks to 40% of Americans, and cut the deficit in half using only the savings from reduced Iraq operations and eliminating the Bush Tax Cuts for the wealthiest 2% of taxpayers.  Seriously, how can anyone think that is possible?  Just writing that list pissed me off.... 

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