15 July, 2011


So I am watching the president's "update" on the debt negotiation talks. The update quickly devolved into a discussion of how Republicans are not interested in Revenues. What are revenues, you might ask? Tax increases. Now why the president won't call them tax increases when is is trying to be clear with the American people is an interesting question. Probably because the clear, easy to understand term didn't poll well - I wonder why that is...

The first question came from a reporter who asked for a structural reform to an entitlement program (since the president has never said a specific change he would make). The president responded again with vague generalities "means testing for people on medicare", "restructure the program", but again did not answer the question or suggest a specific change. He then said, "I'm not going to get into specifics, but all of the things you mentioned are on the table". Um...why won't he get into specifics? Republicans have been very specific in offering ideas to improve the system, why won't the president? Good leadership.

Also the president used the analogy of a family who is over extended. The president says that some things cannot be cut even while that family is trying to balance their budget. I think this is a fantastic analogy, but he is using it incorrectly. Unlike the federal government, families who are over-extended cannot increase their revenue. They have to look at areas of spending and make tough decisions to get themselves stable once again.

Regarding a balanced budget amendment "We don't need a balanced budget amendment to do our jobs". How can he say that when the government has had a surplus in only 5 of the last 50 years? By the way - check out the last two years of that graph. Spending is out of control. It would seem the balanced budget amendment would help this problem.

Also, President Obama mentioned that republicans are holding up trade deals. I can't believe he is going back to this again.

Overall, not a very good performance, I didn't think. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

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