07 February, 2013

Barbara Boxer Op-Ed

I love it when politicians say things like “we'll apply the savings from ending the Iraq and Afghanistan wars to the deficit”.  Um…funds appropriated for those wars were not intended to be indefinite spending.  You don't have any “savings” from ending those conflicts.  This is even worse than her other argument, that we have “already” cut $1.2T.  Again, spending avoidance is not spending reduction.  What does she really want to cut?  Nothing!  No wonder every Republican proposal looks like the “hard way”.  In her mind, she shouldn't have to make any hard choices.   

Hey media, any time you want to ask a remotely challenging question, have at it.  Here’s one to get you started “What, specifically, do you recommend we cut?  If you propose no cuts, do you believe the debt and deficit are immaterial and we can continue spending 50% more than we take in each year?”.

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