30 March, 2016

Trump + Function of Federal Government

Yet again proving that Trump is not a conservative, check out his answer to a question at CNN's town hall last night:

Q: "In your opinion, what are the top 3 functions of the United States Government"
A: (Paraphrase) National Security, Healthcare, Education
Does any conservative (or libertarian) believe the federal government should oversee healthcare and education? Nearly all Republicans believe healthcare and education would benefit from less federal government intrusion, not more.
I understand it's too late now, that the train has already left the station, but how is it this man is leading the Republican primary?  Add to the fact he never discusses the proper role of the federal government, its limitations, or the importance of the Constitution as a guiding framework.
So disappointing.  In fairness, at the 2:20 mark, right after he says the government should provide housing (?), when Anderson Cooper asks him if the power to oversee education should devolve to states, he says 'absolutely', then babels on about 'concept of the country'.  This continues to reinforce my belief that he doesn't value federalism and limited federal government - he sees all levels of government as a single force.  Either that, or he's making it up as he goes along. Either way, it's not good for those who support a restrained federal government that ensures freedom for all.

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