24 June, 2016


Congratulations to our friends 'across the pond'.  I firmly believe they made an excellent decision yesterday in choosing self-determination and freedom over EU super-government.  Although the short-term future remains uncertain, having the power to control your laws, trade agreements, immigration policies, and currency is the better path (yes, I know Great Britain previously maintained their currency and immigration policies, but their membership in the EU proved a heavy weight regarding these issues).

It seems to me the only way this goes badly is if the EU decides to be petulant and punitive in their treatment of their former member.  I believe that petty response (similar to a mob enforcer) only reinforces the wisdom of exiting such an organization.  

I hope the United States continues to support Great Britain as they transition to the next chapter in their national story.  We've always stood for freedom and self-determination, and we should welcome this development - after all, we showed them the way...


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