07 October, 2017

Interesting article below making the proposal we should repeal the 2nd Amendment.  

Whatever your position on the wisdom or reversing the 2nd Amendment, you should find it interesting that the author's path to 'repeal' lies not in a Constitutional amendment, but it in judicial action (just have the Supreme Court redefine the 2nd amendment).

Just another example of how many seek to marginalize/silence those with views different than their own. Make a case?  Persuade voters?  That sounds hard, so we'd rather just use the force of government to 'evolve' society in the desired direction (even it if means invalidating a Constitutional provision).

Just imagine if the 1st amendment or 4th amendment become obstacles to 'progress'?  Should they be redefined unilaterally as well?  How ironic that the entire purpose of constitutionally protected rights is to place them beyond the whims of the moment and political leadership.

Seems even political journalists needs re-education on how 'repeal' of an amendment works.

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