01 October, 2018

Winning, part 1

If you listened to the hysterical press, the world is collapsing, and America is under duress.

Back in the real world, the following positive advancements have happened since the 2016 election:
  • Neil Gorsuch appointed to the Supreme Court - Justice Gorsuch uses the law, not personal opinions or politics, as the guidepost for decisions 
  • Lowest unemployment rate ever for Latinos
  • Lowest unemployment rate ever for blacks
  • Tax cuts for all income brackets
  • Record median household income, contradicting the frequent claim that economic benefits are flowing only to the wealthy. 
  • 4% GDP growth, after years of Obama stagnation and pitiful attempts to define lackluster growth as the 'new normal'
  • Deregulation, thinning the thicket of economy-choking rules and regulations by un-elected bureaucrats.  Fewer regulations mean more freedom for us and more growth for businesses.
  • Renewed focus on combating illegal immigration with an emphasis on enforcing the laws as written. You can't just ignore laws you don't like.
  • New trade deals with Mexico, Canada, the EU.  Increased pressure on China in pursuit of a trade deal that actually promotes free trade.
  • US withdraws from Paris climate accords (a document that did almost nothing to affect climate change but imposed significant restrictions on US economic development & sovereignty)
  • US withdraws from Iran nuclear deal
  • US engages North Korea, takes positive strides toward denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula
Ask yourself - is your world collapsing?  For all the wailing, incomes are up, the economy is booming, international trade and foreign relations are strong, and national security is sound.

This list will be updated regularly as the 'winning' continues.

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