02 June, 2020

Protests Turn to Riots

It's been too long since my last post, and it is sad the returning topic must be this one.

Four observations prior to the video below:

  1. The violence portrayed in the video below is shocking and clearly widespread. Why isn't it on every major news source in the country? Avoiding telling the truth about this violence is far beyond 'Fake News' and bias and into something far worse.
  2. Outside of direct and immediate threat of bodily harm and in self-defense, when are any of these violent acts acceptable?  If they are not acceptable, what will it take for societal by-standers to say so?  I don't see much of that on social media these days as everyone falls over themselves to renounce Systemic Oppression. Whether you believe the USA has systemic oppression or not is irrelevant to your stance against mob violence, I would hope. 
  3. Irony alert - we just finished a period where government used its power to forcibly close businesses and suspend rights of assembly and worship in the name of public safety.  Where's that concern for public safety now?  We heard nothing except the need to social distance for months, at the very least shouldn't we be condemning the rioters for putting themselves and others at risk of the COVID-19? Of course that sounds ridiculous, because everything about this is ridiculous. Rioting and violence are not on the same level as failing to maintain #socialdistance, yet so far government seems more motivated to use its powers to limit freedom (even if well intended) than to protect citizens from mobs. 
  4. Is the skin color of criminals relevant to how we prosecute them for the crimes they commit?  I don't care what color you are, I judge you by the ideas you have and the actions you take. 

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