02 April, 2008

Questions for Senator Obama

Here is an excerpt from an article challenging Senator Obama to further clarify his previous statements regarding Jeremiah Wright (also the subject of a previous post). I am only including the questions I believe are relevant to his capacity to be President.  The article can be read in its entirety here.

1.  You’ve repeatedly spoken of Wright’s “outrageous” or “offensive” remarks, but never specified which specific comments you had in mind. Where, precisely, did Wright go wrong?

2.  Do you agree with Pastor Wright [...] that black people suffer disproportionately from drugs and AIDS because of a government conspiracy? If not the government, who is responsible for the vastly higher rates of HIV and serious drug abuse in the black community?

3.  For at least ten years during your membership at Trinity United Church of Christ, official church policy emphasized a “Black Value System.” The Church website declared: “These Black Ethics must be taught and exemplified in homes, churches, nurseries and schools, wherever Blacks are gathered.”  
What, exactly, is this value system?  Can you (Senator Obama) please suggest 
publications so that we as voters can get a better grasp on what this value system
could suggest about the direction you propose for the country?

4.  You have commented elsewhere that you consider Hamas a terrorist organization (as does our government) and wouldn’t negotiate with these Islamic thugs and killers. In this context, are you comfortable with Reverend Wright featuring a pro-Hamas manifesto on “The Pastor’s Page” of the church newsletter (July 22,2007)? This anti-Israel diatribe was written by Hamas official Mousa Abu Marzook, an indicted terrorist conspirator currently believed to be a fugitive in Syria.

5.  When did you first become aware of the radical and anti-American views of your pastor?

I think these are all valid questions.  I hope we get answers soon.

On “The View” [Senator Obama] suggested that people have received the wrong idea about Pastor Wright. “What you have seen is a snippet of a man,” [Senator Obama] said. “Imagine if somebody compiled the five stupidest things you ever said and put them in a 30 second loop that was played every day for two weeks.”

I have a problem with this scenario.  These aren't the 5 stupidest things ever said by the Rev. Wright - these are the 5 stupidest things he said in his capacity as congregation leader with a large microphone in his hand.  I can only imagine the thoughts he shares in private.  To suggest that the hateful, racist speech revealed in these tapes is anything other than what it seems is insulting.

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