27 June, 2008

Its Fate is Sealed

Obama Seal No More?

by Aaron Bruns
Fox News

Barack Obama’s much-mocked Presidential Seal won’t be seen again, according to campaign staffers. The modified Great Seal of the United States of America — featuring the familiar eagle modified with the Obama logo and the US Motto “E Pluribus Unum” changed to a rough Latin translation of Obama’s slogan “Yes We Can,” debuted at a meeting of Democratic Governors last week.

At the time, staffers indicated that it might be used again at similar presidential-style events. But today, after it was roundly ridiculed as more a symbol of the campaign’s arrogance than the campaign itself, staffers said the seal has seen it’s last podium.

“This was a one time thing designed for a one time use at the Governors meeting,” said one traveling press aide, who also asked “is this really worth of this much attention?”

1 comment:

Dani said...

Hahahaha - that is hilarious...

PS - I wish you were at book club last night...it was all politics and foreign policy. You would have been a valued participant.

Come back to the east coast and come to book club!