23 July, 2008

Obama's "historic" foreign policy trip

Does anyone else find it ridiculous that Senator Obama is receiving praise for his "landmark" foreign policy trip? The only reason it is "landmark" is because he has such little experience in such matters. To hear reporters, Obama is gaining valuable experience dealing with foreign leaders. Think about that. No one would say that about McCain. The term gaining would be silly - he already has mountains of experience in this area. The commander and chief cannot "gain" enough experience in a week long worldwide tour. He must already have that capability. Obama does not, as the response to his trip inherently concedes. As one author put it,

"[The] message this week [...] is that Obama lacks the judgment and experience to think strategically in a time of war. One does not get that kind of experience in a quickie photo-op tour of the battlefield."

The Democratic Nominee has rarely met with, or had to deal with, the leaders and issues that will shape the future. He had only been to Iraq one other time, he had never been to Afghanistan, and he didn't attempt to meet individually with General Petraeus during either of Petreaus' visits to congress, meeting him for the first time on Monday. His background has never taken him abroad in any official capacity - he has spent almost all of his time in local issues in IL - a worthy and valuable experience but one that does little to prepare you to lead the free world. In his defense, some of this isn't his fault - he is a first term senator. It is unreasonable to expect a first term senator to have the breadth of foreign policy experience that a senior senator would have. SO WHY ARE WE CONSIDERING HIM?!!!???

I confess, I really don't get it - it is just beyond me how he is even in the conversation at this point in his career. Come back to me in 8 years and then we will talk...

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