26 March, 2009

The party of "no"? Um...No

House Republicans Propose Alternative Budget

By Perry Bacon Jr.

House Republicans today outlined how they would write the federal budget if they controlled Congress, looking to rebut criticism from President Obama that the GOP is simply complaining about his blueprint but not offering proposals of its own.

Republican lawmakers refused to offer details of how much their alternative budget proposal would cost or how much it would increase the deficit, saying they would release overall numbers next week. Instead, they provided a general outline of proposals that included cutting overall government spending except for defense, banning any additional spending for bailouts of financial companies and a huge income tax cut that would make the maximum tax rate 25% instead of 36% as under current law.

"Two nights ago, the president said we haven't seen a budget yet of the Republicans," said House Minority Leader Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio). "Well, it's not true, because here it is Mr. President." He waved a thin document called "The Republican Road to Recovery" that describes the GOP proposal.

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), the top Republican on the House Budget Committee, said "while we criticize, we propose."

Senate Republicans have decided not to release an alternative budget, but will offer a series of amendments next week to try to reduce the spending under the Democratic budget proposals. House rules allow Democrats to limit the number of amendments offered, so Republicans there will offer only their complete budget alternative.

"Our economic plan amounts to less government, lower taxes and economic prosperity," the GOP document says.

The proposal continues Republicans' push for lower spending and greater tax cuts in response to Obama's budget proposal, which costs about $3.6 trillion and would increase the deficit by $1.38 trillion next year.

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