18 June, 2008

Here is the latest MoveOn.org ad that is drawing national attention.  Sadly, I believe this will be an effective ad because it distorts almost every issue and most voters today want their issues (and therefore their opinions) simplified so there is a clear "good" and "bad", "right" and "wrong".

Ok - let's review this line by line. Here is the transcript:

I'm voting Republican because...

We don't like shopping at small neighborhood stores. We don't want the problem of choosing where to shop. And we just love cheap plastic crap from China.

I'm not sure exactly what this is supposed to attack - Wal-mart?  Interestingly enough, globalization encourages choice.  Without globalization we would all be paying higher prices for lower quality goods since competition would be stifled through protectionist measure.  And as for cheap plastic crap from China - where has MoveOn been lately?  The computer I am using right now was made in China by a Chinese company.  Works great (and it wasn't that cheap, either).  Maybe they need to check their decade.  

I'm voting Republican because I don't really want a cure for AIDS or for breast cancer. (They are just gays and women.)

Wow, what to say here.  Is this a crack at stem cells?  I am pretty sure George Bush has done more for AIDS in Africa than any other U.S. President.  Besides, how fitting is it that Democrats take swipes at "big business" when it is most likely Big Pharma that will continue to innovate and develop new ways to combat disease.

I'm voting Republican because I think new drugs should be made available immediately whether they've been tested properly or not. If the major pharmaceutical companies' bottom lines are healthy, then I feel healthy too.

See above comment - here is an example of distortion; it isn't that Republicans are opposed to drug testing - we just don't believe it makes logical sense to obstruct a drug because it has a negative effect on a small number of respondents if it has a positive effect on a significant majority of the population.  Sick individuals should have the right to try experimental drugs if they want to.  I don't see the point of restricting all access to experimental medicine if the positives far outweigh the negatives for those willing to take the risk. 

I'm voting Republican so that my little Caitlin can be in a classroom with at least 30 other children. That way she can be challenged by fighting for attention.

Ok, this one is flat wrong - Republicans want students and parents to have choices regarding schools - vouchers and charter schools would lower class sizes.  Democrats want to cram all students into public schools whether they want to be there or not.  I would think there would be a lot less fighting for attention in private schools where students actually choose to go there.

I'm voting Republican because women just can't be trusted to make decisions about their own bodies. Never. Ever. Ever.

Women are more than capable of making decisions about their own bodies.  The problem is when they want to make decisions about other bodies as well (such as the body of their unborn child).  In this case, I do not believe you have the right to kill your child unless failing to do so will put the mother's life at risk.  Once again, oversimplification reigns.  Nuances are for Republicans.

I'm voting Republican because I've already seen the great outdoors. Continuing our use of fossil fuels freely is far more important than preserving our natural wildlands.

I like how this is presented as an "either/or" situation.  I believe Republicans are for responsible harvesting of fossil fuels.  I do think this is a balancing act, and I agree that both Republicans and Democrats need to identify ways to supply our energy needs while preserving the environment to the greatest degree possible.

We're voting Republican because we like a conservative majority on the Supreme Court. We really like knowing that even if we're separate, we'll still be called equal.

What a cheap shot.  Let's bring up a ruling more than 50 years old that has since been overturned.  To me it is interesting that this is the most powerful example they could muster.

I'm voting Republican because I need to be told who I can love. I need the government to tell me. I need them to tell me how I can best show a lifetime commitment. And Republicans are just the folks to do that.

Honestly, I sort of agree with Democrats on this one.  I believe homosexuals deserve the same legal protections afforded to heterosexuals.  The term "marriage" seems to be the sticking point for many people.

I'm voting Republican because corporations should not have to pay to clean up environmental damage. The EPA is an outmoded idea. If people want clean water, buy it in a bottle.

Who is arguing that corporations should not be responsible for negligent acts?  And what is this about clean water?  Who says we shouldn't have clean water?  What a ridiculous comment.

I'm voting Republican because I don't want to know if the food I am eating has been genetically modified or exposed to radiation. I don't want to have to live with that fear, you know? So if the label says it's food, that's good enough for me.

Once again, who is arguing this point?  At least the first few points portrayed a caricature of extreme conservative views.  These points just seem to be invented.

I'm voting Republican because I really enjoy being screwed by the utility companies.

Once again, what exactly are you referring to?

Because we need more minorities in prison.

Yes, it is the fault of Republicans that people commit crimes.  People who commit crimes should have to deal with the consequences of our actions, regardless of their skin color.  Is MoveOn suggesting that minorities would be exempt from the justice system if they commit crimes?  Somehow I doubt that.

Because hybrid cars really suck.

Once again, choice rules.  Republicans believe consumer preference, not government mandate, should drive markets.

Because I just don't feel like I deserve health insurance.

I think the wording of this is telling - "deserve".  As if this is some sort of entitlement.  Guess what - you don't "deserve" health insurance.  You are owed a basic standard of health care, but you are not owed health insurance.  

Because Texas needs more billionaires.

Can someone explain this to me?  How did we get to Texas and why would Republicans create billionaires?  Are they talking about oil?  Memo to Democrats - prove that gas companies have engaged in illegal activity or shut up about high gas prices.  Gas prices are a function of a publicly traded commodity.  Unless you can prove illegal actions, stop blaming the gas companies.

I'm voting Republican because sometimes the constitution is just one big inconvenient headache.

I find this charge very ironic - isn't this the Democratic position - that activist judges should be able to "interpret" the constitution however they believe the situation demands?  Or however the "people" want?  I believe it is Republicans who are "strict constructionists" and believe the the Constitution leaves lawmaking to the lawmakers (congress).  Republicans believe the Constitution is to be followed to the letter, not to be sidestepped every time it is "inconvenient" to pass an amendment.  

I think the whole world should be run by one big corporation. I think it would be so much cozier.

Ridiculous.  What are they talking about?  If anything, it is democrats who want one organization calling all the shots - the government.  It would seem they are the ones who want to tell us what to drive, what to eat, who we have to hire, how much we should be paid, how much heat we should be using...  doesn't that sound cozy.... 

Because all other countries are in fear to us. We should start as many wars as we need to keep it that way.

Once again, a blatant attempt to distort the issues.  It is much easier to rely on sound bites that to debate the the situations presented by world realities.

So I can stay in Iraq.

If that is what is necessary.  We started that mess - we have a responsibility to finish it and to provide safety and security to the Iraqi people until they can provide for themselves.

So I can go to Iran.

If need be - the American Military will be ready.  Hopefully, this will not be a necessity.  However, allowing a nation that has threatened the complete destruction of its neighbors to have nuclear weapons is not an option.  Even Hitler was not so bold as to announce his murderous intentions.  Should we not take them at their word?  Why would we assume they are lying about such an important action?

So if you're thinking about voting something besides Republican, don't bother. Stay home. We've got it all taken care of. You'll get exactly what you deserve.

Good grief.

1 comment:

Michael Richter said...

I saw this video for the first time tonight and find it pretty ridiculous. It is hard to take anything MoveOn does seriously, but they seem to be getting attention for the things they are doing. I think the best thing to do is to ignore these ignorant people and their poor attempts at making Republicans look bad. The only things they have done with this video are 1) show how little they understand of the Republican positions (and the world for that matter), 2) how far they will go to make those who do not agree with them look bad (diversity is great, as long as you agree with us!) and 3) they cannot even come up with coherent thoughts when trying to make fun of the right.