29 August, 2008

Conventions and what to expect.

Realistically, it's just a shift from primary campaigning to general election campaigning. It's the function of a convention to give those who were not the victors in the primaries to throw the weight of their political machine behind the candidate who did win the nomination. To expect that a modern political convention (which serves approximately the same function as a pep rally) to serve as a forum where the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate who is nominated are actually discussed reasonably and thoroughly is an unreasonable standard in the modern convention era. The modern convention is much less about nominating and much more about a show of party unity after the essentially divisive process of primary campaigning. Especially in the case of the Clintons, who are heading up a political machine spanning more than a decade, including pivotal Southern Democrats, it is vital for their political legacy, their future political prospects and their position within the party to throw their support behind Obama. This is not to say that they have necessarily abandoned their reservations about Obama and/or the people around him. There are myriad other outlets for them to voice their objections and suggestions for change within the Obama campaign. But of course they won't criticize him on the convention floor. That is no longer the function of the convention, nor is it in the Clintons' interest.

1 comment:

A Concerned Citizen said...

I am not necessarily expecting Biden and Clinton to take Obama to town right in the middle of their convention speeches. I just wonder why they haven't said something along the lines of - "I was wrong about Senator Obama. Having spent time with him and heard first-hand his ideas for resolving the challenges facing our nation, I now recognize that he is the right person to be leading this party" There needs to be a acknowledgement of this drastic change of opinion and some attempt at an explanation.

Just saying "well, that was the primaries" isn't good enough - that means I should not believe anything I hear in the primaries if it can be discarded so quickly come general election time...