23 August, 2008

Joe Biden...Interesting

It has been finalized. After a flurry of media (lasting more than a week) in which the people who knew something weren't talking, and anyone talking didn't know anything, we know who will "balance" the Obama ticket.

Joe Biden is a respected Senator, a foreign policy expert, etc. etc. He is clearly the answer to the "no experience" challenge against the Obama campaign.
(Biden's record)

However, he has proven again and again that his race and gender sensitivities are...less than might be desired as part of the Obama new-wave of Democrat-dom. (a Feminist perspective on Biden's record.) His previous comments from the beginning of the primaries make it clear that this senior senator, no matter how respectable needs to be checked. Look, for example at the #7 top political gaffe of 2007, according to Time Magazine

Or Richard Cohen's accusation that Biden has problems with "manic-obsessive running of the mouth"

There's also the fact that a recent poll with results published in the Washington Post comes right out and says that the presence of Biden in the campaign will have little or no effect on whether people choose to support Obama, with the difference between more and less likely within the margin of statistical error.

I gotta say, as an Obama supporter, I'm skeptical.

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