28 August, 2008

What I Haven't Heard at the Convention in Denver...

Here is a central question that has not yet been answered:

Senators Biden and Clinton made a point during the primaries of saying during that Obama is not prepared to be president - that he is too inexperienced and is not qualified.  Yet here they are in Denver giving soaring speeches about how he is the right man for the job.  What happened in the past 4 months that made them change their minds?

And for those of you who just pass it off by saying "oh, everyone says stuff like that about their opponents in the primaries" - that is a poor reason.  Politicians should be held accountable for their promises, policies, and positions, regardless of the stage of the campaign.  To do otherwise encourages deceit and reduces the trust of the public.  Say what you mean and mean what you say, or don't say it.

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